
O.C. Too Pricey for Most People

* Re “More Leaving O.C. Than Moving In, Report Says,” Feb. 16:

I’m sure local business and political leaders were shocked! shocked! to pick up the paper and discover that people can’t afford to live here.

Can we surmise that 7% annual rent increases coupled with 2% to 3% annual wage increases fairly quickly produce an untenable situation for most?

The evidence at my own apartment complex would seem to validate this: Management just doubled referral fees because apartments stand vacant and most of my neighbors have moved out in the last year.


But hey! Wage increases are inflationary, so I guess we all must really be better off.

Or perhaps another reality is indicated by another recent statistic: Here in Orange County, the county above all others organized of, by and for rich white Republicans, only 6% of new voters registered as Republicans in the last 10 years.

Could it possibly be that things are wonderful here for only 6% of the population?


Dana Point
