
Public’s Ideas Are Needed for Strategy to Help Nurture Children

Supervisor Kathy Long is chair of the Children and Families First Commission

Thanks to Proposition 10, we are in a historic position to invest in the lives of California’s children, helping to provide them with a foundation for healthy, productive and positive lives.

As a result of the 50-cent tax on each pack of cigarettes sold, Ventura County will receive approximately $12 million annually. Locally this money will be used to fund Neighborhoods for Learning, where partnerships promoting health, nutrition and education programs for early childhood development for children prenatal to 5 years old can work.

As chair of the Children and Families First Commission, I have been working along with the commission to determine how and where these funds should be allocated. Over four months we have conducted 12 focus groups involving parents, nine focus groups involving more than 60 professionals, and three public forums attended by more than 50 people. In addition, we have conducted a countywide parent survey with more than 550 respondents. The input has been invaluable in developing our draft strategic plan.


The commission seeks additional public input before the final approval is made. We would like to hear from parents, educators, child care providers, health care providers and advocacy groups. Never before in Ventura County has there been such a comprehensive, grass-roots effort to involve the public in deciding how programs should be funded for children in this age group.

As chair, my efforts will focus on three goals:

* Children will be emotionally, socially and academically ready for school.

* Children will be physically and mentally healthy.

* Families will provide an environment that supports the physical, mental, emotional and intellectual development of their children.

Over the next several months, the commission will begin the process of funding programs and services to help our children achieve these goals. To jump-start the process, our initial efforts will focus on one-time projects that can have an immediate and lasting impact. These include funds to remove barriers such as inadequate handicap accessibility, or capital improvement projects to provide services to more children.


Following close behind the one-time projects will be funding for implementation of on-going direct services and programs in the areas of school readiness, health, and family strengthening. Above all, the commission is committed to partnering with neighborhoods, communities and cities in identifying strategies for success.

Our first public hearing on the draft strategic plan took place Tuesday and was a success. We have two additional meetings scheduled to receive public input on the draft strategic plan. The first will be Wednesday from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. at the United Way building in Camarillo. The second meeting will be from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Simi Valley Boys & Girls Club. For information please call 677-5553 or visit at A copy of the draft strategic plan is available for download on the commission’s Web site and at your local library.

The implementation of the Children and Families First Commission of Ventura County’s strategic plan represents a wonderful opportunity for the entire community to join together to give our youngest children the greatest chance to thrive as they grow.
