
Libbey Park Oak Trees

I have just returned from an Ojai City Council meeting where the fate of the Libbey Park oak trees was apparently decided.

I want to thank Mayor Suza Francina for doing her best to address the situation logically and humanely. Sad to say, she was shot down and the trees were buried by [Councilman David] Bury, it would appear. Some 30 speakers and a warm-blooded mayor tried to save the trees but a reptilian council sentenced them to death.

The trees lose, the people lose and in the end the city loses. Only the tree cutters profit. Will we ever get the message?


Hundreds of thousands of trees are being cut down in all parts of our world. It is affecting our weather and our breathing. It has to be controlled, and how is a change to be effected?

Our politicians seem to listen only to the profiteers whether it be the tree cutters or other giants of industry. I listened to the words and hearts of a large number of concerned individuals as they poured out their feelings to a panel of bored politicos who had apparently made up their minds before the council meeting.

The “council” fires will burn with the hearts of oak and the spirits of the Chumash will wail in agony.



