
You Don’t Want to Know His Feeling About Lavin

Notice to Steve “Lovin,” er, Lavin:

Thank you for your contribution to the article on Earl Watson in Wednesday’s Sports section. You finally hit the nail on the head. You “emphasize” that “your relationship [with Watson] is more important than winning or losing basketball games.” Well, Mr. Lovin, you could not be more wrong.

You are being paid a half-million dollars a year to run what has historically been a very successful business. It is quite clear by your statement that you have put your personal needs well ahead of the needs of the business. This is clearly grounds for termination. Your relationship with a player is not what is important--winning basketball games is.

Lavin, you need to learn a thing or two about business. Step aside. Take a few classes and let a true professional coach our players to the greatness that they deserve. Simply look at what Phil Jackson did for the Lakers that “nice guy” Del Harris could not do.


Leave coaching. I’m sure your good friend Earl will understand.


Newport Beach


As a Trojan, to the gentleman who wrote to the editor last week and said that we can expect to see Steve Lavin around for a long time: I certainly hope so.


