
Maybe NBA Shouldn’t Step Up to the Mike

I thought David Stern was a lawyer. Hasn’t he heard of the Constitution, or do his powers as NBA commissioner mean that he can force a coach to wear a microphone whether he wants to or not and have cameras in the locker room spying on, excuse me, showing the players doing whatever it is they do in the locker room?

I love the NBA, it’s fantastic, etc., but enough is enough!

Say what you will about the baseball players’ union having too much power but, you know Bud “That’s Right, I’m The Commish” Selig wouldn’t even dream of making such an order. And you know in your heart that Don Fehr is just laughing at his NBA counterpart, Billy Hunter, who seems to be a non-factor to King David and his crew over at NBA headquarters.


Los Angeles


I don’t understand the big flap over NBA coaches wearing microphones. Who really cares about the sideline chatter the NBA marketing gurus would allow us to hear? Now, if they decide to sell videos featuring the constant verbal haranguing of its players, let me know. I’ll be first in line to buy it.



Sherman Oaks


If the NBA coaches would like to get out of wearing mikes during NBC’s broadcasts of games, here’s a simple solution: Wear the mike once, call your players into a huddle and say, “TV Guide says ABC’s ‘Sports Night’ is the best show you’re not watching. I think I’ll start watching it and so should you!”


Los Angeles
