
Phone Glitch Blocks Calls Into UCLA Campus

An unidentified phone glitch blocked all calls to UCLA’s Westwood campus for 4 1/2 hours Friday night, phone company officials said.

All exchanges to the campus, including those to the UCLA Medical Center, were affected. One frustrated doctor, who asked not to be identified, said he’d been paged repeatedly but was unable to return the call because of persistent busy signals. “It’s been a terrible thing. I can’t call in. Even the operator can’t get through,” he said.

The phone trouble began at 5:30 p.m., and was fixed by 10:05 p.m., according to Jonathan Davies, a GTE spokesman. “The problem was one of the ports that routes the calls.”


He said the glitch affected callers trying to reach the campus from the 310, 805, 818 and 213 area codes.
