A Blooming Misconception
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Plants are no strangers to untrue rumors. Just ask clematis--a graceful, climbing vine with gorgeous flowers that blooms much of the year in Southern California--when it gets a chance to grow.
Labeled for years as a plant that won’t grow here, clematis hasn’t taken off as it could.
Edith Malek is baffled about the origins of the misconceptions.
“Clematis aren’t at all difficult to grow in Southern California,” says the Irvine gardener and author of “American Clematis Society’s Guide to Growing Clematis in the United States” (American Clematis Society, 1999, $24.99).
“If you can grow a rose, you can grow clematis,” says Malek, who will be giving a class on clematis April 1 at M&M; Nursery in Orange. “Clematis make a stunning addition to any garden with their exquisite flowers.”
Granted, clematis generally won’t cover giant pergolas here as they do in England, where they are popular. Some established vines here, however, can reach respectable heights of 15 feet or more.
Nina Stratton was one of many Orange County gardeners misguided by the myth surrounding clematis.
“For years, I had been told emphatically by nursery people that clematis don’t grow well in Southern California, so I didn’t even try them,” says the Mission Viejo gardener. “Then I met Edith Malek and learned otherwise. I planted three clematis right away, and now I have 10.”
For Stratton, plants that were supposed to be duds have grabbed the spotlight in her garden. “Clematis are showoffs,” she says. “They just get out there and holler, ‘Look at me!’ ”
Clematis flowers come in an array of shapes and colors, including purple, white, pink, burgundy, lavender, red and yellow. They bloom much of the year, although the plants are deciduous in the winter months.
Depending on the variety, many clematis grow from 6 to 8 feet tall in Southern California. They can be grown just about anywhere, including on trellises and fences, up onto patio covers and into other plants. They aren’t, however, aggressive and invasive, preferring to stick to themselves.
Huntington Beach garden designer Cory Kelso counts herself lucky that she doesn’t heed warnings about what won’t grow in her garden. A native of the East Coast, where clematis grow, Kelso started planting the vine about eight years ago.
“Fortunately, the first variety I chose was the purple-flowered ‘Victoria,’ which is a good one,” says Kelso. “I planted it on an arbor with ‘Cecile Brunner’ roses, which are pink, and the combination is wonderful.”
Kelso has just one warning about growing clematis: “It’s hard to stop planting them once you start,” she says. “I have at least 20 now. The blooms are so beautiful and exotic-looking that visitors are amazed.”
Clematis grow equally as well in the ground and containers, making it possible to add them to just about any landscape, says Malek, who has 120 thriving in her yard.
For best results growing clematis, keep the following tips in mind.
* Start with a healthy plant. “The bigger the plant, the better,” says Malek. “Start with a 5-gallon or larger plant. Look for strong, thick, undamaged stems.” Smaller plants will eventually grow, but are more subject to failure.
* Choose a good location. Where you plant your clematis is critical to its survival, says Malek. The site should have four to six hours a day of sun, although some clematis can be grown in bright shade.
Don’t plant clematis near aggressive plants with invasive roots, because clematis are not good at competing for water and nutrients. Put them at least 4 feet from trees and 2 to 3 feet from shrubs. They grow well near roses, which are also not aggressive plants.
* Properly prepare the planting site. Dig a hole that is 18 to 24 inches wide and deep. The larger the hole, the better, because it gives the roots more room. Soil should be amended so that it is rich in organic matter, well-draining and able to hold moisture. Use a peat-moss-based mix designed for clematis at a rate of 50%.
Also keep in mind that clematis prefer a soil pH of 6.5 to 7.0. If you are unsure about your pH, have it tested. If your soil is alkaline (above 7.0) like much of Southern California soil, add gypsum or gypsite in the spring and fall. This will help lower the pH and condition the soil.
* Plant carefully. Clematis are best planted in fall and spring. Avoid transplanting in the hot summer months.
To plant, don’t pull or knock the plant from the pot. That can damage its delicate roots. Instead, cut the plant from its pot. If the plant appears root bound, very gently loosen only the outermost roots.
Plant so that your clematis root ball is 3 to 5 inches below the surface of the soil. Water thoroughly after planting.
* Try containers. Almost all clematis thrive in containers. Use a pot at least 18 inches wide and 18 inches deep.
Before planting, cover the drainage holes with pieces of screen to prevent the soil from falling through the bottom of the container and bugs from crawling in. Use a well-draining, peat-moss-based mix. Bury the root ball 3 to 5 inches below soil level. When planting is done, elevate the pot by at least half an inch, which promotes air circulation and prevents root rot.
* Provide support. During planting, clematis should be left attached to its original support, which should be removed within the first year. At that point, give your clematis something to attach to, such as a trellis, arbor or nearby fence.
* Keep moist. Clematis are moisture-lovers that require regular watering. A 2- to 4-inch layer of mulch helps keep the roots moist and cool. Remember, however, that like many plants, clematis will perish in soggy conditions.
* Feed regularly. In general, any rose fertilizer will work for clematis. Malek recommends fertilizers that contain an organic humus base, which will also enrich your soil.
Follow package directions and keep fertilizer away from the stems to avoiding burning them. Always water thoroughly after fertilizing. Feed only during the growing season.
* Prune. The basic goal of pruning is to encourage clematis to flower where you want. Pruning, including removing weak and damaged stems, also helps to invigorate plants, improve flowering and makes the plants more attractive. In addition, shaping enables you to train and contain plants.
Pruning should be done when the leaf buds start growing, which is determined by the weather and changes from year to year but is generally in winter or early spring. Pruning at the wrong time may affect flower production.
* Have patience. During the first year of growing clematis, a plant may suddenly look as if it has died. Give it some time, because it is likely to rejuvenate itself and send up even stronger stems than before.
* For information about the American Clematis Society or its book, call (949) 224-9885, or visit its Web site at https://clematis.org.
* Edith Malek’s class, Clematis Extravaganza, will be held at 10 a.m April 1 at M&M; Nursery in Orange. The class is free, but reservations are required. (714) 538-8042.
Clematis Varieties
The following clematis do well in Southern California gardens and are available at selected nurseries. They are recommended by Edith Malek, president of the Irvine-based American Clematis Society.
* Chrysocoma var. sericea: Produces an explosion of fairy-like white flowers with yellow stamens that reach 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 inches in diameter. Plant in full sun. Excellent choice for an arbor, as it can grow to 20 feet.
* Crispa: This slender vine has bell-shaped flower in pale blue to lavender-blue with creamy yellow stamens. Flower size is 1 to 1 1/2 inches in diameter. Grows 5 to 6 feet in bright shade or in sun with some shelter.
* ‘Ernest Markham’: An 8- to 10-foot grower with magenta flowers that have golden-yellow stamens. Flowers are profuse and large, reaching 4 to 6 inches in diameter. Performs best in direct sun.
* ‘Etoile Violette’: Produces a profusion of rich, dark-purple flowers that are 3 to 3 1/2 inches in diameter. Plant reaches 10 feet high or more.
* ‘Lady Betty Balfour’: A tall cultivar reaching 8 to 15 feet. Flowers are 6 to 8 inches in diameter and a deep violet with distinctive, contrasting yellow stamens. Requires full sun for best flower color.
* ‘Marie Boisselot’: Pure white, 6- to 9-inch flowers with pale yellow stamens. Free-flowering, vigorous vine that reaches 8 to 16 feet. Thrives equally well in sunny or shady locations.
* ‘Masquerade’: Six- to 8-inch flowers in soft lavender with a darker center bar in each petal. Stamens are wine red. Reaches 6 to 8 feet, and thrives in sunny and shady locations.
* ‘Multi-Blue’: This unusual flower starts out looking like other clematis, but when the outer petals fall away, the inside resembles a sea urchin. Flowers are purple and 3 to 4 inches in diameter. Plant grows 6 to 7 feet.
* ‘Proteus’: An eye-catching double flower in a soft mauve-pink with yellow stamens. Flowers reach 6 to 8 inches in diameter. Plant grows 6 to 8 feet and thrives in sunny and shady locations. Flowers freely and makes a good container subject.
* ‘Walter Pennell’: Free-flowering plant with 6- to 8-inch mauve-pink blooms that have a darker mauve stripe down the center of each petal. Stamens are buff-colored. Reaches 6 to 8 feet and does best in full sun. Compact, moderate grower perfect for containers.