
Three Guitarists and 18 Strings but Something Doesn’t Add Up


Eighteen Strings. It is, at the very least, an unusual title for a jazz ensemble. But given the prominent role of the guitar in popular music (and to a considerable extent in jazz as well) for the past few decades, it’s not surprising that the 18 strings title signifies the unusual instrumental combination of three guitarists in the front line.

The group--which includes guitarists Anthony Wilson, Sid Jacobs and Mike Hoffman, organist Joe Baggs and drummer Gerry Gibbs--debuted Thursday in the opening set of a three-night run at Club Brasserie in the Wyndham Bel Age Hotel.

It was a combination that possessed considerable promise. The three guitarists have distinctly individual styles and Baggs and Gibbs are dependable, hard-swinging rhythm section experts.


From the perspective of individual effort, the results were indeed promising. Playing a program that included original numbers as well as such unexpected items as Bill Evans’ “Blue in Green,” each of the soloists performed effectively, with the contrast among the guitarists’ styles underscoring the validity of the three-guitar concept. Jacobs was crisp and efficient with his complex, moving lines; Hoffman added a fusion-oriented taste of guitar electronics; and Wilson delivered a fascinating series of cutting-edge, avant-garde-tinged choruses.

Baggs, as always, was a marvelously powerful, if understated accompanist, and Gibbs held everything together with his urgent sense of swing.

Unfortunately, the ensemble aspect of the performance failed to match the individual achievements.


Confusion over who’s playing which solo at what point, the need to concentrate upon reading music sheets placed on instrument cases, and a general air of unrehearsed chaos is not the way to effectively introduce a group to an audience.

Eighteen Strings is an attractive jazz concept but its members need more time in the rehearsal studio and a more respectful approach to presenting themselves to the public.

* Eighteen Strings performs tonight from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at Club Brasserie in the Wyndham Bel Age Hotel, 1020 N. San Vicente Blvd., West Hollywood. (310) 854-1111. No cover; two drink minimum.
