
O.C. Bankruptcy Filings

These companies and/or individuals recently filed for liquidation (Chapter 7) or reorganization (Chapter 11 or 13) in federal Bankruptcy Court in Santa Ana.

Petitioner: Tamam Ensey

Location: Westminster

Listed business affiliation: fdba Greek Armenian Deli

Type of business: Deli

Filing: Chapter 7

Assets: $3,340

Liabilities: $65,936

Case number: 12058 RA

Petition signed by: Tamam Ensey

Date filed: 3-10-00

Petitioner: Oliver Daniel Ostlander and Valerie Ostlander

Location: Laguna Niguel

Listed business affiliation: Paradise Consulting

Type of business: Consulting

Filing: Chapter 7

Assets: $22,679

Liabilities: $97,299

Case number: 12049 RA

Petition signed by: Oliver Daniel and Valerie Ostlander

Date filed: 3-10-00

Petitioner: Maxwell Philip Mishler and Kelli Lynn Mishler

Location: Anaheim

Listed business affiliation: Maximum Wholesale

Type of business: Wholesaler of heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment and boilers

Filing: Chapter 7

Assets: $352,586

Liabilities: $575,730

Case number: 12045 JB

Petition signed by: Maxwell Philip and Kelli Lynn Mishler

Date filed: 3-10-00

Petitioner: Suzanne Tamara Brindley

Location: Laguna Niguel

Listed business affiliation: Wavelength

Type of business: Neuro diagnostic

Filing: Chapter 7

Assets: $28,650

Liabilities: $31,631

Case number: 12047 LR

Petition signed by: Suzanne Tamara Brindley

Date filed: 3-10-00

Key: dba--doing business as. fdba--formerly doing business as. fka--formerly known as. faw--formerly associated with. aka--also known as.
