
Obituaries - March 16, 2000

Carl, Elizabeth Louise, 84, of Westlake Village, retired savings and loan supervisor. Pierce Bros. Valley Oaks Mortuary, Westlake Village.

Corral, Amelia L., 77, of Thousand Oaks, retired midwife. Pierce Bros. Griffin Mortuary, Thousand Oaks.

Lopez, Pablo C., 71, of Santa Paula, retired farm worker. Pierce Bros. Stetler Mortuary, Santa Paula.


Lund, LeeOra, 92, of Oxnard, homemaker. Camino del Sol Memorial Center & Funeral Home, Oxnard.

McNeely, Rose, 98, of Thousand Oaks, homemaker. Pierce Bros. Griffin Mortuary, Thousand Oaks.

Mitchell, Mildred Althea, 92, of Ventura, homemaker. Ted Mayr Funeral Home, Ventura.

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