
Environmentalists Drop Suit Against Housing Plan

Environmentalists have agreed to drop a lawsuit over a rare plant blocking an Oxnard housing project, clearing the latest obstacle in a long-delayed plan to build a 337-home tract near Mandalay Beach.

Under a preliminary agreement reached Tuesday, attorneys for the Environmental Defense Center and the California Native Plant Society agreed that changes to what would be the largest coastal development in eight years are sufficient to ensure the plant survives.

Environmentalists sued Oxnard in July, alleging that a review of the housing project failed to provide adequate protection for the Ventura marsh milk-vetch.


The plant, which until recently was found at only that location, was apparently dumped at the site years ago along with waste oil that continues to pollute the 91-acre parcel.

North Shore LLC, the Newport Beach developer, has agreed to take added precautions to protect the plant, including doubling--to 10 acres--the amount of land dedicated as a preserve, installing fences and paying for scientific surveillance.
