

San Clemente has no physical limitations and is perfectly suited to be a new and improved Festival of Arts venue, festival board members tried to convince about 50 angry exhibitors Tuesday night.

Board members unveiled preliminary architectural drawings of the proposed complex to the skeptical crowd.

“When we got up to this site . . . I wish you could see it,” board member Vern Spitaleri told the exhibitors. “You can see the ocean, and the Cleveland National Forest is in the distance.”


The exhibitors took a decidedly different view.

“What I see here is the grand low dream of how our current board can subvert a sensitive and wonderful art show to further their dreams of immortality,” exhibitor Randy Bader said.

The festival is in exclusive negotiations with San Clemente to lease a 20-acre site in the Talega Development. The festival’s current lease agreement with Laguna Beach expires in September 2001.
