
Boyle on Rampart

Father Gregory Boyle (Commentary, March 10) has eloquently identified the most critical element, not just in the Rampart debacle but throughout the criminal justice system and in society itself. Dehumanizing the enemy, whether gang members or soldiers in the opposing army, serves the dehumanizers by relieving any guilt that might accrue when we brutalize our adversaries. Slaves can be beaten, raped and hanged with impunity. After all, they are the owner’s property. Jews can be starved, shot and gassed to death because they are depicted in the society as “vermin.” Now, in California, 14-year-old children can be imprisoned with adults, perhaps even executed.

We have created elaborate social mechanisms to dehumanize those who violate our laws. We have a vast lexicon for stereotyping and labeling those who are different. All human beings have worth and dignity, regardless of their deeds or circumstances. Unless we practice the meaning of that, we lose what humanity may be left in us.


San Diego
