
Fetal Tissue Sold for Research

Re “Issue of Fetal Remains Shouldn’t Be Demagogued,” Commentary, March 13: Let us not hide the ugly facts. Babies are being aborted, dissected and sold. Lynn Morgan seems to think that only pro-life advocates are horrified by the abuse and circumvention of laws against selling aborted babies. Wrong. All decent persons who become aware of this abuse of the law (not to mention the abuse of the lives of the fetus and his or her mother), surely would want Congress to examine the abuses in a public forum.

What purpose is served, Ms. Morgan, by hiding these hideous practices from the public? Let us hope the media give a full and complete report of the hearings.


Los Angeles


I fear that recent coverage surrounding the donation of fetal tissue may leave people with the impression that the practice itself is somehow disreputable. Some of this country’s most respected medical institutions use fetal tissue in their research into cures for Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s.


Companies that are motivated by greed are acting illegally and should not be in business. But trusted organizations like Planned Parenthood that donate fetal tissue, with the consent of patients, for humanitarian medical research provide a service to both the women who donate and the millions who suffer incurable diseases.

The Reagan and Bush administrations banned the use of fetal tissue for research, setting back important medical advancements 12 years. It’s important that we root out those who act unethically and immorally so that we don’t allow their practices to erase the good that comes of fetal tissue donation.

NANCY L. SASAKI, President

Planned Parenthood, L.A.
