
Arthur D. Aston; Banker and Founder of Hospital


Funeral services will be held Tuesday for Arthur D. Aston, former head of Valley Federal Savings and a founder of Valley Presbyterian Hospital. He was 88.

A longtime Woodland Hills resident, Aston died Sunday from complications of a stroke he suffered in June, said his son, Arthur D. Aston Jr. of Woodland Hills.

Born in Pittsburgh, Pa., Aston served in the U. S. Navy during World War II and was stationed in North Africa.


He and his family came to California in 1946, initially living in North Hollywood, then moving to the west San Fernando Valley in 1951.

Aston had a distinguished banking career, serving as branch manager of California Bank in Canoga Park in the early 1950s and as executive vice president of Valley Federal Savings in 1956. He became its chief executive officer and chairman of the board in 1969, a position he held until his retirement in 1983.

He held leadership positions with several civic and charitable organizations, including as president of the Van Nuys Chamber of Commerce and Valley Industry and Commerce Assn., lieutenant governor of Kiwanis International and Los Angeles chairman of the March of Dimes. A founder of Valley Presbyterian Hospital, he served as chairman of the hospital’s board from 1970 to 1988.


In honor of his volunteerism, he received the Fernando Award in 1974.

In addition to his son, Aston is survived by his daughter, Sandra Weber of Hillsborough, Ore.; five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

His wife of 64 years, Betty, died in February 1999.

Funeral services Tuesday are planned for 1 p.m. at Forest Lawn Memorial-Park, 6300 Forest Lawn Drive, Hollywood Hills. Burial will be private.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Valley Presbyterian Hospital Foundation.
