
Car Hits Girl, 8, in Crosswalk

An 8-year-old girl was critically injured Tuesday when she was struck by a car as she attempted to cross Magnolia Boulevard in a marked crosswalk, police said.

The impact threw the child 100 feet, leaving her in extremely critical condition with severe trauma to her entire body, said Sgt. Rod Grahek of the Los Angeles Police Department’s Valley Traffic Division.

The accident happened at 5:40 p.m. on the westbound side of the street, just west of Cedros Avenue, Grahek said. The car’s driver told police she did not see the girl.


“She said she had the sun in her eyes and didn’t see her at all,” Grahek said. The child was taken to Valley Presbyterian Hospital in Van Nuys.

Motorists are supposed to yield to pedestrians in marked crosswalks. Several cars headed in the opposite direction had stopped to let the child cross, Grahek said.
