
Women Doctors

I don’t know why you chose to profile Dr. Florence Haseltine’s aberrant experience in medical school (“A Huge Dose of Change,” March 10). I was a medical student at USC in the 1960s and I never had to act like one of the boys, nor did I face any sexual discrimination.

While there were only eight women in my medical class of 68, my only complaint was that there were no dressing rooms in surgery for women doctors. I was never discouraged from entering a surgical field and I did become an eye surgeon. However, I’m pleased to see the increased numbers of women in medical school. I would like to think we paved the way for them. KATHERINE OKUDA KLEIN

Huntington Beach


Your article implies that more money should be spent on diseases that affect women. The amount of money spent on researching prostate cancer is minuscule compared to the money spent on cervical and breast cancer.



