
Report on Reno’s Campaign Probes

Re “Funds Probe Unfairly Spared White House, ’98 Report Says,” March 10: Let’s review: President Clinton appoints Janet Reno to be the chief law enforcement officer of the nation. Campaign finances are in the hands of special interests and businesses, and even foreign powers are getting involved. So when Reno’s team finds evidence of fund-raising hanky-panky involving the Clinton White House, what does she do? Sits on it, covers it up and denies everything.

John McCain is right: The current state of campaign financing is a cancer on our political system. We didn’t get to hear anything about Al Gore’s possibly illegal and certainly unethical behavior in this area until after the primaries. Perhaps voters would have felt differently about Bill Bradley with this information. The same stonewall approach is apparently planned for Hillary Clinton’s Senate campaign.

It is up to the press to get this sort of news out, to shed light on an awful and dangerous system. We voters need to know this sort of thing before we cast our votes. If our votes as citizens really matter, that is, compared with wealthy corporations or even other governments.



Eagle Rock


I thought it would happen after Clinton was out of office but am delighted to hear that a confidential report by the Justice Department’s former investigator has finally been brought to light!

Charles G. LaBella, the Justice Department’s former investigator, produced the 94-page document, which faulted Reno’s top advisors for using “intellectually dishonest” double standards: endorsing independent counsels to investigate Cabinet-level officials while opposing them for President Clinton, Gore and Hillary Clinton.

Here is proof that the administration has been disingenuous in some of its activities. Maybe there is now hope in uncovering Travelgate, Whitewatergate and all the rest of the “gates.”



San Clemente
