
Robber Flees With Cash From Bank

A man handed a teller at Los Robles Bank a note demanding money on Monday, then fled with an undisclosed amount of cash, authorities said.

The robbery, which happened just after 1 p.m. at 4646 Adolfo Road, was the county’s seventh bank robbery this year.

The suspect fled on foot traveling northeast and is still at large. None of the six employees inside the bank was hurt, authorities said. There were no customers inside at the time.


FBI Special Agent Brent Robbins said the robber could be the same man who held up a Simi Valley bank Thursday and a Thousand Oaks bank in February. The suspect’s description and the language in the notes handed to tellers are similar, he said.

The man is also a suspect in five bank robberies in Los Angeles County, Robbins said.

The suspect is described as a white male, about 6-feet-1, weighing 175 pounds with wavy, light-brown hair. He wore a blue or green T-shirt, black shoes and black shorts.

The Camarillo bank, like many others that have been hit this year, is near a Ventura Freeway onramp.


Sheriff’s deputies in patrol cars and a helicopter scoured the area and continued to patrol near the bank hours after the incident, a Sheriff’s Department spokesman said.
