

St. Vincent Meals on Wheels needs people to deliver meals to homebound seniors in Los Angeles three hours a week. Volunteers are also needed in the office and the kitchen. Information: Carol Martinez, (213) 484-7494.

* Enrichment Through Employment needs volunteers to teach computer skills to mentally ill clients. Information: Volunteer Center, South Bay-Harbor-Long Beach, (310) 212-5009.

* Catholic Big Brothers needs mentors of all faiths for children ages 7 to 14 throughout Los Angeles County. Information: (800) 463-4066.


* Zimmer Discovery Children’s Museum at the Westside Jewish Community Center in Los Angeles needs volunteers to train as docents. Information: Sherri Kadovitz, (323) 857-0072, Ext. 2257.

* Hollywood Opera Ensemble needs volunteer musicians to play in the orchestra for the group’s silver anniversary performances of Bizet’s “Carmen” on April 30 and May 7 in Los Angeles. Information: (323) 851-0271.

* Western Museum of Flight in Hawthorne needs volunteers with expertise in aircraft restoration, sheet metal and structural repair to help restore an F-89 Scorpion “D” model. Information: (310) 332-6228.


* Interfaith Action for Aging in Signal Hill needs volunteers to help elderly people by reading to them, walking with them, helping with mail and paperwork and providing companionship. Information: Tammy Lemmenes, (562) 492-9878.

Information for this column should be submitted typed and double-spaced to Involvement Opportunities, SoCal Living, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053.
