
George Helps Team Win All-Star Game

Santa Margarita’s Spencer George earned most valuable player honors, scoring a goal to help the South defeat the North, 6-1, in the 24th High School Seniors All-Star boys’ soccer game Sunday at Pasadena College.

George, Irvine’s Matt Taylor, Estancia’s Esaul Mendoza, Mater Dei’s Kevin Novak and Brea Olinda’s Josh Alexander scored for the South, a team made up primarily of players from Orange County. Long Beach Millikan’s Julio Vasquez scored the other goal for the South.

In the Southern Pacific girls’ water polo all-star tournament:

Orange County North wins--Villa Park’s Kristyn Pulver and Danee French each scored two goals to help the Orange County North team defeat Tri-Counties, 6-1, in the final at Cal Baptist University.
