
Sheriff Lee Baca: Quixotic or Chaotic?

The humanitarian rehabilitative approach of L.A. County Sheriff Lee Baca (“La-La Land Lawman,” by Tina Daunt, Feb. 20) strives to give hope to those who most need it, an approach in sharp contrast to the war mentality of Rampart Division officers who participated in, or whose silence permitted, tactics and attitudes that shame the city of Los Angeles. The public desperately needs to give Baca support.

Wally Marks

Los Angeles


Interesting story on the sheriff. Scary, too.

So the top law enforcement official in the county wants to make “the spouting of hateful comments” a crime? This indicates such a fundamental ignorance of the U.S. Constitution as to disqualify Baca from office. And just what in the hell is “the psyche of a society”?

I think Baca spent a little too much time at Big Sur in the ‘70s.

Steve Switzer

Lieutenant (Retired), L.A. County Sheriff’s Department

Redondo Beach


I’ve witnessed some of the positive differences that Baca’s “idiosyncratic notions” have brought to local sheriff stations. As a participant in the Community Academy sponsored by the Carson and Lomita stations, I expected organized, well-executed learning experiences but was charmed by the personal touch each deputy brought. It was clear that creating a better bond between law enforcement and community members was a top priority.


Whatever the future may hold for this “Quixotic cop,” his “romantic adventure” is already making an impact.

Maureen E. Ford

Rancho Palos Verdes


“Quixotic cop”? Sounds more like the “chaotic cop,” pinwheeling off in directions most observers feel are highly inappropriate to his job description.

Patrick Bates

Simi Valley
