
North Hollywood High’s Schedule

In an article on year-round schooling (“Parents Fighting 12-Month School,” March 5), a ninth-grader at North Hollywood High is quoted as saying, “I probably won’t like it, but I’ll get used to it.” In the past decade, students in Los Angeles public schools have had to get used to some of the largest class sizes, the smallest school libraries, the dirtiest bathrooms and the fewest days of instruction in the nation.

To mention just one consequence of going year-round, the school year will be shorter by 17 days. With three weeks less of instruction, each day a student is absent represents a larger chunk of education lost. As for dirty bathrooms, maintenance and repairs are even harder to do when buildings are used year-round.

Sure, students will get used to it. But should they have to? Shouldn’t we find adequate space for all of the students? Shouldn’t we build more schools?



North Hollywood
