
The Plot Against Coastal Wetlands

* Re “Lawmaker Seeks Change in Wetlands Definition,” Feb. 19:

Assemblywoman Denise Ducheny (D-San Diego) says she will introduce a bill that will reverse the protection we now have on the Bolsa Chica Mesa, the Seal Beach Hellman’s Ranch wetlands, Ballona Wetlands and other areas.

Ducheny’s bill will increase the number of reasons a wetland could be destroyed in the coastal zone from eight to 12.

This is an ill-conceived plan, and it is hoped the other elected officials will vote against it.



Huntington Beach

* One of the main reasons the Republican Party in California is not in power today is the fact that they packed the California Coastal Commission with disgruntled people who had unhappy dealings with the commission in the past.

If those Coastal Commission appointees would have had their way, they would have allowed building right down to the high-tide line.

In the last election the majority of California voters made it crystal clear that they want our coastline protected.


Now we have a Democrat, San Diego Assemblywoman Denise Ducheny, who is apparently in some developer’s pocket, wanting to do what the Republicans tried for years to do--destroy the Coastal Commission’s power.

She wants to do it by gutting the laws protecting our coast. Voters in Ducheny’s district should mount a recall movement against her.


Huntington Beach
