
Board Meetings Should Be on TV

* Re “Supervisors Delay Plan to Televise Meetings-Again,” Feb. 16:

The recent decision by the Board of Supervisors to delay televising their meetings perpetuates the arrogance consistently demonstrated by this board.

Their motives are transparent. They wish to conceal how little they actually accomplish. They also wish to conceal their failure to consider the best interests of the county and their constituents in actions they may take.

Supervisors Tom Wilson and Todd Spitzer, in voting to move ahead with the broadcast of meetings, continue to demonstrate they have nothing to hide. They demonstrate their respect for both the process and county residents.


[The other three supervisors] have consistently been on the wrong side of important county issues, for example, the airport at El Toro.

It’s no coincidence further action on televising the supervisors’ meetings was postponed till after the March 7 election on Measure F.

There are many of us who would like the meetings televised to allow greater input into the issues facing the county. It will also reveal the workers and the “posers.”



Laguna Niguel
