
2 Men Arrested in Attempted Theft of $1,200 in Cigarettes

Three hours after they were foiled in an attempt Thursday to steal $1,200 worth of cigarettes from a supermarket, two men were arrested when they headed into a tobacco shop across the street, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department said.

Samou Davodyan, 20, and Karlos Melkon, 20, both Glendale residents, were being held at the Santa Clarita Sheriff’s Station on Thursday night, Sgt. Richard Larue said.

The pair allegedly sneaked into the rear of an Albertson’s supermarket, situated at 23449 Lyons Ave., at 8:15 a.m.


They stashed several crates filled with cigarettes by the store’s loading dock but were confronted by a trio of employees before they could escape, Larue said.

They fled, leaving behind their car, a 1989 Toyota Supra, authorities said. At 11:15 a.m., Deputy Brad Thompson saw two men who matched the robbers’ description lingering outside a tobacco store across the street.

Davodyan and Melkon were arrested after they entered the store, Larue said.

“They weren’t real bright,” he said. “They left their car there and then they went across the street, even though we were in the area looking for them.”
