
Valley Roundup

Urging them to “not give up the fight,” Los Angeles Councilman Hal Bernson on Thursday donated $1,000 to a community group that is suing the city to block expansion of the Sunshine Canyon Landfill into the Granada Hills portion of his district.

Bernson gave the money to the North Valley Coalition, saying, “The final word will be in the courts.”

The funds came from his political officeholder account.

A spokesman for dump operator Browning-Ferris Industries, which is named as an interested party in the lawsuit, said the company was not surprised by Bernson’s gift.


“He certainly has his opinion, which is different than ours on this project. He’s certainly welcome to do that,” BFI spokesman Arnie Berghoff said.

The coalition’s lawsuit alleges that when the city approved the expansion, 8-7, last December, it failed to adequately consider the negative environmental consequences of the dump, as well as alternatives.

The coalition is working to raise $70,000 to finance the lawsuit filed in January, according to Mary Edwards, a spokeswoman for the group.
