
SAN DIEGO COUNTY - News from March 9, 2000

Superior Court Office No. 25 100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Bill O’Connell: 163,940 (40%)

Charles W. Ervin: 159,969 (39%)

Lloyd Yost: 84,044 (21%)

Federico Castro: 0 (0%)

Office No. 26

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

William C. Pate*: 302,470 (78%)

Paul Teyssier: 84,009 (22%)

Office No. 44

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Frederick Maguire: 235,544 (63%)

Richard S. Whitney: 80,366 (22%)

K. Martin White: 57,868 (15%)

Michael L. Burley: 0 (0%)

Office No. 46

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Charles G. Rogers*: 202,571 (53%)

Dennis Shaw: 127,266 (33%)

Richard P. Miller: 54,490 (14%)

Harvey Hiber: 0 (0%)


District 1

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Greg Cox*: 0 (0%)

R. Mitchel Beauchamp: 0 (0%)

District 2

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Dianne Jacob*: 73,954 (61%)

Art Madrid: 28,609 (24%)

Florence L. McCarthy: 10,425 (9%)

John L. Hammerstrand: 7,707 (6%)

D. Clark Chris: 0 (0%)

District 3

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Pam Slater*: 80,219 (62%)

Marion B. Dodson: 30,943 (24%)

Ken Bourke: 19,221 (15%)

Board of Education

District 1

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

John Witt*: 38,468 (40%)

Bob Weller: 18,216 (19%)

Barbara Carpenter: 17,134 (18%)

Jane D. Gawronski: 16,699 (18%)

Daniel J. Smiechowski: 4,489 (5%)

E. Hugh Davis: 0 (0%)

District 2

0% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Nick Aguilar*: 60,162 (100%)

Richard A. Bobier: 0 (0%)

District 3

Partial Term

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Ernest J. Dronenburg Jr. **: 36,494 (41%)

Steve Klein: 26,550 (30%)

Bill Young: 25,126 (28%)

Jo Anne Murphy: 0 (0%)

District 4

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Jim Kelly*: 57,889 (53%)

Jeff Mangum: 51,231 (47%)

Cajon Valley Union School District Measure

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

D--School Improvement Bond

Requires two-thirds vote

Yes: 19,542 (66%)

No: 10,102 (34%)

Cardiff School District Measure

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

E--School Improvement Bond

Requires two-thirds vote

Yes: 2,658 (81%)

No: 617 (19%)

Chula Vista City Council

Seat 3

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Jerry R. Rindone: 9,597 (37%)

Mike Diaz: 3,666 (14%)

John McCann: 3,467 (13%)

Steve Castaneda: 2,762 (11%)

Marco Cortes: 2,335 (9%)

Virgil Pina: 1,617 (6%)

J. R. Chantengco: 1,352 (5%)

Greg Alabado: 937 (4%)

Karl Kurtz: 456 (2%)

Seat 4

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Mary Salas*: 14,408 (66%)

Richard Gonzales: 7,391 (34%)


100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

A--Mayor’s Salary

Yes: 13,447 (50%)

No: 13,185 (50%)

B--Public Works

Yes: 15,205 (57%)

No: 11,396 (43%)

El Cajon Measure

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

C--Elected Mayor

Yes: 7,186 (44%)

No: 9,108 (56%)

Lemon Grove City Council

2 Elected

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Mary England: 2,300 (30%)

Thomas Clabby*: 2,215 (28%)

Dwight Shelley: 2,087 (27%)

Dick Whitmore: 1,172 (15%)


100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Mary Teresa Sessom*: 2,662 (53%)

Craig Lake: 2,362 (47%)

Oceanside USD Measure

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

G--School Improvement Bond

Requires two-thirds vote

Yes: 14,036 (69%)

No: 6,254 (31%)

San Diego City Council

District 1

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Linda Davis: 9,883 (32%)

Scott Peters: 7,286 (24%)

Lisa Ross: 6,891 (23%)

Paul Kennerson: 3,488 (11%)

Jim Ryan: 2,916 (10%)

District 3

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Toni Atkins*: 10,723 (48%)

John Hartley: 7,122 (32%)

Gerri Stryker: 1,921 (9%)

Steven McWilliams: 1,737 (8%)

Daniel Beeman: 921 (4%)

District 5

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Brian Maienschein: 10,285 (34%)

Tom Cleary*: 8,260 (27%)

Karen McElliott: 5,646 (19%)

Edward M. Teyssier: 1,890 (6%)

Gary Waayers: 1,351 (4%)

Larry W. Hillman: 1,335 (4%)

Leonor E. Yracheta: 1,273 (4%)

District 7

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Jim Madaffer: 11,456 (45%)

Deanna Spehn: 7,944 (31%)

Mark Rawlins: 5,874 (23%)


100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Ron Roberts: 60,007 (26%)

Peter Q. Davis: 36,860 (16%)

Dick Murphy: 36,592 (16%)

Barbara Warden: 35,528 (15%)

George Stevens: 24,877 (11%)

Byron Wear: 21,192 (9%)

Jim Bell: 7,794 (3%)

Janice Jordan: 4,821 (2%)

Loch David Crane: 2,985 (1%)

Glenn D. Adkins: 1,759 (1%)

Robert H. Schmitt: 1,364 (1%)

Jim Hart: 1,319 (1%)

San Diego Community College

District B

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Ken Moser*: 13,699 (38%)

William H. Schwandt: 9,287 (25%)

Tom Behr: 6,179 (17%)

Douglas Holbrook: 4,278 (12%)

Dan Buell: 3,054 (8%)

District D

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Marty Block: 19,383 (81%)

David M. Parsons: 4,660 (19%)

Havel Respes: 0 (0%)

Evonne S. Schulze: 0 (0%)

San Diego Unified School District

District A

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Julie P. Dubick: 19,473 (51%)

Frances O’Neill Zimmerman: 19,027 (49%)

District D

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Ron Ottinger: 11,469 (55%)

Tonja L. McCoy: 4,454 (21%)

Jimmie K. Sue: 2,879 (14%)

Les Pierres Streater: 2,094 (10%)

Marc Knapp: 0 (0%)

District E

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

Ed Lopez: 12,685 (63%)

August Castille: 7,514 (37%)

Carrol W. Waymon: 0 (0%)

Vallecitos Water District Measure

100% Precincts Reporting: votes (%)

H--Elect Directors By Divisions

Yes: 8,516 (72%)

No: 3,232 (28%)


Key to Election Tables

An asterisk (*) denotes an incumbent candidate:; a dagger () denotes an appointed incumbent.

A double dagger () indicates a district is shared by two or more counties. The individual tables don not reflect the total vote.

Elected candidates and approved measures--or those leading with 99% of precincts reporting--are in bold type. Results are not official and could be affected by absentee ballots.


0 % indicates information was unavailable at edition time or only absentee ballots had been counted.

District locations are identified by county. In Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego and Ventura counties, they are identified by community.

Uncontested local offices and write-in candidates are not included in the tables.


Contributing to the Times’ election coverage:

Technical assistance: Victor L. Pulver and Martin Leadman.

Compiled by: Times editorial researcher Tracy Thomas

Contributing: Joaquin Edeza, Rochelle Flores, Jack Torres and Michelle Urbina


Sources: Election returns provided by California Secretary of State and county registrars of voters.




More coverage of Campaign 2000 is available on The Times’ Web site at
