
High Gas Prices and Oil Reserves

Re “Use the Oil Reserve as a Lever,” editorial, March 7: It makes as much sense to spend oil reserves, which are set aside for national emergencies, to drive down gasoline prices as it does to spend savings set aside for a child’s education to drive down the cost of clothing. A better way would be to leave the reserves/savings where they are and quit buying.




If you want to drop the price of a gallon of gasoline immediately, write an editorial urging the administrations of President Clinton and Gov. Gray Davis to send legislation to our legislative branches suspending the federal and state taxes on a gallon of gasoline.

Using the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is stupid and violates the reason why this reserve was created. The oil will only last between 300 to 600 days. What if OPEC decides to wait us out? Is this Energy Department, responsible for the oil reserve, the same department that failed to keep our nuclear secrets secret?





I read your March 1 editorial (“Gas Prices: No Cheap Fix”) with utter dismay. While the recession of the 1970s is mentioned, there is not a word about the horrific gas lines. It’s been over 25 years since the first debacle and yet our government never initiated a truly concerted effort to find alternatives to fossil fuels. Instead, we find more gas-guzzling vehicles on the road, epitomized by the SUV.

My cynical self feels that the real reasons we’ve done next to nothing are tied to the power of the fossil fuel companies as well as the geopolitical havoc that would likely ensue if the major oil-producing countries found their revenues seriously in peril. So the Earth continues to heat up while we subjugate the nation (and the world) to the power of the dollar and our own misplaced self-interests. May heaven help future generations.


West Hollywood


Personally, I think higher gas prices would be great. Less SUVs blocking my view down the freeway, less sprawl destroying open space, a better environment all around.



Manhattan Beach
