
Having Law Involved Is Touchy Issue


Stu Grimson, veteran Mighty Duck enforcer, was dismayed to learn Tuesday that Boston Bruin defenseman Marty McSorley will face charges in a Canadian courtroom for his slash to the head of Vancouver Canuck tough guy Donald Brashear.

Grimson was not opposed to such legal action, however.

Vancouver police had been investigating the incident, which happened near the end of a Feb. 21 game at General Motors Place. McSorley was suspended Feb. 22 by the NHL for 23 games, a league record for an on-ice incident. The league also left open the possibility of further sanctions starting next season.

But Grimson believes the league’s punishment simply isn’t enough to act as a deterrent.

“The thing we have to say is, ‘Can we afford to let this happen again? Does somebody have to die before we have to get the authorities involved?’ ” Grimson said. “I think we all regret that it has to be that way.”


King General Manager Dave Taylor says the NHL has handled the situation and legal action isn’t necessary.

“I believe the league should be able to police itself.” Taylor said. “I was hoping that’s how it would be handled. I think the league acted correctly with supplementary discipline. It was a very severe punishment and rightly so.”

Grimson acknowledged there has been negative publicity surrounding the incident, but believes addressing the issue openly and honestly might help prevent further violent acts.


“It’s difficult,” Grimson said. “I know how badly he would love to turn back the hands of time. Marty McSorley has had a great career. He’s had a legitimate impact on our sport.

“Looking back, this is what he’s going to be remembered for.”

Asked for his response to whether the courts should be involved, Duck President and General Manager Pierre Gauthier said: “I don’t know how anybody can have an opinion on that. We live in a society and abide by its laws. I don’t think it’s appropriate for me to comment on legal matters.

“It’s an isolated incident. As hard as our game is played, these things shouldn’t happen.”


Staff writer Helene Elliott contributed to this story.
