
Ruptured Sewer Line Closes Beach Near Venice

County health officials have closed several miles of beach between Venice and Playa del Rey after a ruptured sewer line spilled about 500,000 gallons of sewage into the sea.

The spill began Sunday afternoon in the Crenshaw area when heavy rains “overburdened the antiquated sewer lines,” according to a spokesman for Heal the Bay, a group dedicated to cleaning up Santa Monica Bay. County workers repaired the sewer line about 2 1/2 hours later.

The stretch of beach, between the Venice Pier and Imperial Highway, has been closed since Sunday.


Los Angeles County Lifeguard Capt. Steve Moseley said the beach will be reopened when bacteria levels in the ocean are considered safe for swimmers.

Heal the Bay officials recommend that swimmers stay more than 100 yards away from any flowing storm drain and avoid county beaches for three days after a rainstorm.
