
Endowment Set Up for Ventura College Students

The Ventura College Foundation has received a $500,000 endowment for scholarships from a longtime Ventura resident who included the gift in his will.

The bequest by Martin Hansen, who died last year at 95, is being used to create the Hansen Scholarship Endowment. Scholarships will be awarded to Ventura College students transferring to public universities. Each award will provide $3,500 annually for two years.

“Martin Hansen cared about education and knew how important it was for a successful life,” said Marti De La O, executive director of the nonprofit college foundation.


Hansen, one of the original members of the foundation and a President’s Circle donor for 10 years, was presented with an honorary degree from the college in 1995.

Born in Brons, Denmark, on May 19, 1904, Hansen immigrated to the United States at the age of 23. After living in Solvang and Santa Barbara, he moved to Ventura, working first as a baker and ultimately becoming a successful Realtor.
