
Ring Found on Body May Point to Identity

Ventura County coroner’s officials are hoping a ring found with the skeletal remains of a woman in Los Padres National Forest on Sunday will help determine her identity.

A metal, silver-colored ring with the word “JESUS” was discovered among the bones buried in a shallow grave off California 33, about 15 miles north of Rose Valley Road near Lockwood Valley.

Coroners officials hope someone will recognize the ring and call their department at 641-4400, or the Sheriff’s Department at 654-2674, with information on the woman’s identity.


Medical examiners have determined the remains are female, but are still examining the bones to discover other details, such as the woman’s age. Officials declined to say if other jewelry or clothing was buried with the woman.

Oxnard resident Kay Saillant, a Los Angeles Times staff writer, discovered some of the remains Sunday afternoon while playing in the snow with her daughter and her daughter’s friend.

One leg bone was in plain sight and another was partially buried under a nearby bush. Saillant also saw a plastic tablecloth in the soil.


Authorities said the rest of the skeleton, wrapped in what appeared to be a tablecloth, was buried just beneath the surface.

Investigators believe the remains had been in the area for several weeks.
