
Suspected Simi Valley ‘Deadbeat’ Dad Held

A former Simi Valley resident has been arrested in Massachusetts on suspicion of owing more than $31,000 in child support for his 8-year-old son.

Authorities said that John Charles Simmons, 42, hasn’t made his monthly $320 payment in more than four years--the total owed includes interest--and has eluded police by moving frequently since leaving Simi Valley in 1995.

His son continues to live in Simi Valley with Simmons’ ex-wife.

“I understand he had several friends who would also employ him for cash jobs,” said Kevin Farrell, a deputy district attorney.


Authorities tracked Simmons to Alaska, Hawaii and Washington before he turned up last Thursday in Wareham, Mass.

During a traffic stop, police discovered the California warrant and arrested Simmons, who waived extradition and will return to Ventura County later this week.

Simmons is the 14th alleged “deadbeat” parent to be arrested out of state and extradited to the county in the last three years, authorities said.


The last such arrest was in August when William H. Callaway, also formerly of Simi Valley, was arrested in Flagstaff, Ariz., on suspicion of failing to pay more than $182,000 in child support.
