
Gun Shows

* We owe a lot to Jerry Hicks for his March 2 column alerting us to a gun show returning to Orange County on March 25-26. With millions of guns in the United States, what are we going to do with all of these deadly weapons?

Recent newspapers reveal some things guns are good for: hit men, suicides, killing first-grade girls, running down to the Burger King or McDonald’s and shooting two or three people on the way.

The majority of Americans are getting disgusted with politicians who take money from the NRA and the gun industry, and then vote to protect the gun profits instead of protecting lives.


On May 14, mothers and families across the nation who are sick of the shootings will join in the Million Mom March on Congress. They will demand common-sense gun laws. Congress immediately can close the gun show loophole in states that do not require background checks on all firearm transactions.


