
First Lady Will Attend Laguna Beach Fund-Raiser

Hillary Rodham Clinton is expected to visit Orange County later this month to attend a fund-raising luncheon for her New York senatorial campaign.

Invitations were sent out last week for the March 28 luncheon, said Janice Johnson, who will host the event at her Laguna Beach home.

“I admire Hillary very much and think she can do a great job,” said Johnson, who met the first lady during the 1991 presidential campaign and later worked with her on the Committee for the Preservation of the White House. “I think she’s truly a woman of the world--probably the most respected woman in the world today. She can excel at anything she puts her mind to.”


Staged by New York Senate 2000, the fund-raising arm of Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the $2,000-per-plate sit-down luncheon is planned for 50 people.
