
D.A., Without Explanation, Demotes His Principal Deputy


Orange County Dist. Atty. Tony Rackauckas has demoted his highest-ranking deputy, a move that comes less than a month after the deputy’s wife, a fellow prosecutor, lost a lawsuit accusing office supervisors of racial and gender discrimination.

Devallis Rutledge, who became chief assistant after Rackauckas took office last year, was downgraded to senior deputy district attorney, spokeswoman Tori Richards said Monday.

The demotion comes on the heels of the discrimination trial last month, which pitted Rutledge’s wife, Victoria Chen, against managers in the district attorney’s office.


Chen, 36, alleged in a lawsuit filed in 1998 that she was passed over for promotion during the tenure of former Dist. Atty. Mike Capizzi because she is an Asian American woman. She also alleged that she was targeted for retaliation by critics of her husband, a senior prosecutor at the time.

A judge last month dismissed many of the allegations. A jury subsequently found no evidence of discrimination. Chen has been on unpaid leave since 1997.

Rackauckas temporarily relieved Rutledge, 56, of his supervisorial duties at the onset of the trial Jan. 18, citing possible conflicts of interest, but declined to comment on Rutledge’s future. On Monday, he gave no further explanations about the demotion, which became effective Friday.


It was not clear whether Rutledge, a 26-year veteran of the department, would accept his new position, which may significantly decrease his pay and benefits. Rutledge’s new job duties have not yet been determined, Richards said, and information about his exact compensation was not available Monday. He has been on leave since he was relieved of his management duties in January.

“He has been told” of the demotion, Richards said. “So far he has not reported back to work.”

Chen’s attorney, Niall Sweetnam, said on Monday that the couple have not yet decided whether to appeal the lawsuit. They did not respond to a request for an interview.


Rutledge was replaced by Chuck Middleton, a senior assistant district attorney and a 20-year veteran. Claudia Silbar, who headed the gang unit, was promoted to Middleton’s position.
