
School Shooting in Michigan

Following every highly publicized shooting, politicians on the left call for more gun control and politicians on the right call for more law enforcement. Both these responses are tired, unworkable and lack common sense when the shooters are disturbed individuals and neglected children.

I propose: A visit by Child Protective Services whenever a family is evicted or a parent is sent to prison. Better access to mental health care, placing more social workers in schools, high-crime neighborhoods and areas of high unemployment. And holding parents more accountable for crimes committed by their children.



* How many more children must die before we learn? People kill. Guns make it easy. Guns make murder child’s play. We don’t have to let murder be so easy. We can control access to guns. We can ban handguns and assault rifles. We can prevent another 6-year-old from being murdered by a classmate.



Van Nuys

* A 6-year-old boy in Michigan kills one of this classmates and all Al Gore, a presidential candidate, and our hapless boy president can come up with is to pass laws that will make it harder for middle-aged white men to purchase a gun.

Will someone please tell these gun-grabbing socialists that in order to score a hit you have to shoot at the right target!



* Apparently the 6-year-old schoolboy who shot and killed a 6-year-old female classmate won’t be prosecuted, but the adult who held possession of the stolen gun he used will be. I am appalled and outraged at what the authorities are doing. No matter how young a person is, he should be held accountable for his actions. By not holding the boy responsible, we are sending the wrong message to children: They are smart enough to realize that they can commit any violent act and get away with it.


The boy is not a stranger to trouble--he apparently was perpetually getting into fights and had gotten into an altercation with his victim the day before the shooting, indicating that the crime was premeditated. I think this boy should be locked up for a very long time, well into adulthood, if necessary, as he is a very real danger.


Huntington Beach

* Until we as a society are prepared to take the guns out of the hands of citizens, we need to shut up and enjoy the funerals. We sound like complete idiots complaining about what we allow to continue.


North Hills
