
Rally to Mark Women’s Day

A rally marking International Women’s Day and protesting the lack of support in the U.S. Senate for an international treaty that protects the rights of women will be held Wednesday at the Ventura County Government Center.

The rally will begin at noon.

Several community groups are involved, including the Ventura chapter of Amnesty International, the Green Party of Ventura County, Soroptimist International of Ventura and the Ventura County chapter of the United Nations Assn.

International Women’s Day is a tribute to the struggle of women around the globe to obtain civil rights. The day was officially recognized in 1975 by the U.N. General Assembly, although it had already been informally marked for decades, according to Thomas Higgins, president of the local United Nations Assn. chapter.


The treaty in question is the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and it has lingered without ratification in the Senate since 1980.

California’s U.S. Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, both Democrats, have supported ratification of the treaty, Higgins said. The treaty has already been approved by 165 countries worldwide.

The rally will take place between the Hall of Administration and the Hall of Justice at 800 S. Victoria Ave. in Ventura.
