
Debate Over Prop. 22

Re “Gay Couple Speak Out Against Measure,” March 2: How is it that passing Prop. 22 will lead to violence against homosexuals when California’s Constitution, which has not allowed same-sex marriage for many years, has not promoted violence against homosexuals? Prop. 22 simply adds to our state Constitution that we will not respect another state’s granting of same-sex marriage. In fact, 30 states have passed similar propositions without increasing violence toward homosexuals.

By granting homosexuals same-sex marriage, we will be following the patterns of the Roman and Greek empires shortly before their demise. Immorality will always lead to a nation’s destruction.




I am convinced that Prop. 22 will pass. It never had a chance of being defeated. And why is that? Because the vast majority of Americans still haven’t embraced the vision of our founding fathers when they proclaimed “all men are created equal.” Those who haven’t embraced that vision will claim Prop. 22 is about defending marriage. Those who have know that Prop. 22 is a civil rights issue.


On Tuesday, we will lose this skirmish, Prop. 22 will pass, but we will continue the battle for equality, and one day we will look back at Prop. 22 and wonder how the majority could have ever been so blind.


Santa Ana


“The sanctity of marriage,” “a revered institution,” “living in a society based on standards.” My partner and I have been together for 10 years. We own a home, pay our bills, share relationships with each other’s biological families, etc. Giving us legal recognition is frightening and wrong? The fiasco of “Who Wants to Marry a Multimillionaire?” is what’s frightening and wrong, yet perfectly legal as a “sanctioned, revered marriage.”

Which relationship sets the better example?


Valley Village


Opponents of Prop. 22 have failed to acknowledge that we as a society are entitled to define marriage as we best see fit, because it is a social institution. You can live together, have sex together and bond together as partners, but marriage involves society and we as a society are able, even mandated, to define what values we want to foster in a marriage by defining marriage.


Voting in favor of Prop. 22 simply means that you want to set a basic definition for marriage that it exists between a man and a woman and is the basis for the family composition that we want to encourage.


Simi Valley


What’s wrong in defining marriage as “between a man and a woman”? At this year’s end I’ll be an octogenarian. In my early years I was “happy, light and gay” as the song goes. Now in my late years I’m not so sure I can be happy, light (hearted) and--uh oh!




Prop. 22 = discrimination.



Los Angeles
