
Proposition 22 and Marriage

* I feel very strongly that Proposition 22 should pass. The traditional marriage is the basis to our society and most important for the stability of the family.

We should be compassionate to the gay community and they should have all of the rights afforded them in the Domestic Partners Act. It is not, however, up to the rest of the states to decide whether or not California has to recognize same-sex marriages. This is up to the citizens of California. Proposition 22 is only to close the door on others deciding for us.


Canoga Park


I have been able to live my life in a marriage for the last 11 years that was not recognized by my state or country. Now I find myself worried that soon I will find that changed. My marriage is being transformed from not being recognized to being overtly attacked and outlawed. Proposition 22 is the most hateful law to come across California’s ballot box in years.


Marriage is about commitment. Please don’t deny me my commitment for I guarantee you it will in no way infringe upon yours.

This country is founded on the principle of freedom and equality for all. Out of patriotism and love for our country, don’t deny me my freedom!


Sun Valley
