
Funding for Avenue Library

I am writing in concern for the Avenue Library, which has been operating under reduced hours by an overworked staff.

Our libraries, like our schools, are a basic component of public education. With all the recent concern about developing the ability and desire to read among our youth, one would think that the libraries would have a high priority.

The easy availability of knowledge to everyone, along with universal literacy, is a key to the proper functioning of our democracy. Libraries are an important resource for self-education and lifelong learning.


There has been an increased concern over youth criminal activity, particularly in neighborhoods like the Avenue area. One of the causes of youth crime is simply that kids get bored and feel neglected. Investing in prevention is more important than building more prisons and adding police.

The Avenue Library is a vital place that kids can easily walk or bike to, where they can not only read but also use the computers, receive help with homework and do arts and crafts. It is an important resource for adults who don’t drive and can’t afford to buy books.

Please join me in writing to our state and local government officials on behalf of the library and ask them to restore its funding and its hours of operation.



