
He Would Like to Have a Word With Dodgers

To Bob Daly and Bob Graziano:

I am writing to protest your use of the word “schmucks” in your ad in the L.A. Times [Feb. 27]. I have been a Dodger fan all of my life, going back to Brooklyn in the 1950s. I have attended hundreds of games, I’ve cheered through the good and not so good times, and my family and I have always enjoyed being Dodger fans. Until today. I could not believe your attempt at humor, using a Yiddish word that is so negative as to border on or actually be obscene.

Trust me, gentlemen. You would not want to joke around with Sandy Koufax or Shawn Green by calling them “schmucks” even in the most jovial and good-spirited way. I believe that you owe all of your fans in Los Angeles and elsewhere a prompt apology.


Agoura Hills


Raul Mondesi has decided he never drove in 100 runs because Mike Piazza and Eric Karros were hitting in front of him, and he never had any fast runners on base [Feb. 27].


Here are two more reasons: He couldn’t hit a breaking pitch to save his life, and he pulled every fastball thrown to him. Prediction: Toronto will trade him at the end of the year.




I, for one, would have been happy to see Raul Mondesi traded for a bowl of Rice Krispies. But, considering the Dodgers’ record when it comes to deal-making, it’s a pretty safe bet that Shawn Green will break a leg during spring training and Mondesi will bat .330 with 50 home runs for Toronto.


Van Nuys
