
Quake Series Continues to Rattle Ridgecrest Area

A swarm of earthquakes continued Thursday in the Coso range in Inyo County, with magnitude 4.0 and 3.6 temblors in a sparsely populated desert area 32 miles north of Ridgecrest, Caltech seismologists reported.

There was neither damage nor injuries in the jolts at 7 a.m. and 9:09 a.m. They were the latest in a series of about 80 quakes, most of them small, in the vicinity in the last four days.

The quakes are occurring in an area east of U.S. 395 and about 130 miles north of Los Angeles that has seen much seismic activity since a magnitude 5.8 temblor occurred north of Ridgecrest on Sept. 20, 1995.
