
Sign and Signal Don’t Match


Dear Traffic Talk:

There is a frustrating situation at the corner of Ventura and Reseda boulevards in Tarzana. If you’re westbound on Ventura and want to make a right onto northbound Reseda, there’s a “No Turn on Red” sign.

But there is also a right-turn arrow that stays green for awhile after the traffic light has turned red. Unfortunately, some people seem to be paying so much attention to the sign that they completely miss the opportunity to turn right using the green arrow.

As a result, cars are lined up behind the offender with horns honking when five or six drivers could have made the right turn on the green arrow. Could a sign be added below the “No Turn on Red” sign reading, “OK to Turn on Green Arrow” or something similar?


Lance Diernback


Dear Lance:

After studying the intersection following other complaints, engineers decided to remove the “No Turn on Red” sign because it is no longer needed, said Ken Firoozmand, West Valley engineer at the city department of transportation.

The sign had been installed in the area to provide more space for southbound drivers on Reseda to turn left onto nearby Clark Street, he said.

But recently, a green arrow was provided at Clark and Reseda, eliminating the need for the “No Turn on Red” sign, Firoozmand said.


Dear Traffic Talk:

Crosswalks need to be painted at Ventura Boulevard and Firmament Avenue and at Dickens Street and Firmament. Street markings that indicated “School Xing” have been paved over and not repainted. Can anything be done to protect children from drivers who speed down Firmament to get to Valley Vista Boulevard and to the San Diego Freeway?

--Derek Casari

Sherman Oaks

Dear Derek:

The school crossing indication on the pavement will be repainted soon, said Firoozmand. Engineers also will study the intersections of Varden Street and Firmament and Dickens and Firmament to determine if they qualify for all-way stop signs, he said.

Traffic Talk appears Fridays in The Times Valley Edition. Readers may submit comments and questions about traffic in the Valley to Traffic Talk, Los Angeles Times, 20000 Prairie St., Chatsworth 91311. Include your name, address and phone number. Letters may be edited, and no anonymous letters will be accepted. Fax letters to (818) 772-3385. E-mail questions to [email protected].
