
El Camino Students Due at Conference

El Camino Real High School students will join other Los Angeles County teenagers today at a conference aimed at improving relations on campus.

Hate crimes and verbal violence are among the subjects that will be addressed in workshops at the third annual Human Relations Convention at North High School in Torrance. A total of 225 students from 14 schools are expected, including 10 members of El Camino Real’s Impact Plus, a student leadership group that addresses multicultural issues on campus.

Before departing, students will gather in small groups to discuss strategies for solving specific problems at their schools.


“We’re always looking for new ideas,” said Irene Park, an English teacher and coordinator of Impact Plus. “The teachers aren’t with them at lunch. The kids have to come up with their own solutions.”

Students from a variety of schools will attend, including Dorsey High School in Los Angeles and Chadwick School, a private school in Palos Verdes.

“It will be neat for them to open their eyes and see kids from different schools,” said Amy Pritchett, a social studies teacher at North High who helped organize the event.
