

The Tustin Unified School District voted during a special board meeting recently to make construction changes to the new elementary school on Rawlings Way in Tustin Ranch, which will cause a three-month delay in the school’s opening.

The board approved a plan Friday that would involve installing a shield for the heating and air-conditioning equipment, placing a gate at the back of the school for student use and constructing a block wall up to the playground area. The school is scheduled to open in 2001.

On Monday, the school board selected the community and staff members to serve on the Tustin Ranch and West Irvine Area Boundary Adjustment Committee, which will present boundary proposals to the board for the future elementary school. The committee includes three parents from Tustin Ranch Elementary--Cheryl Budensiek, Steve Siciliani and Jeanette Dreyer--and three parents from Peters Canyon Elementary--Mary Schultz, Lloyd Johnson and Tami Krause.
