
Controversy Over Prop. 22

Thank you for “Marriage Is Not Meant for Same-Sex Couples,” by David O. Coolidge (Commentary, Feb. 28). He uses great logic, including legal and social, but not religious, in his argument for Prop. 22. How can anyone read the article and have any opposition toward the proposition? Marriage is meant to be between a man and a woman. Other words can be defined to describe other relationships.


Los Angeles


Coolidge and the supporters of Prop. 22 may rationalize their discrimination against gay couples, but their arguments remain offensive to me and to others in the gay community. They do not understand how deeply it hurts to be told that, because I am gay, my marriage to another man will make a “negative difference” for the children we may have together and that our marriage “might not be what’s best for children.”

Rearing a child is one of the greatest social actions a person can ever take, and I will not be excluded from making a family because I am gay. I am a good, loving and just human being, and I am tired of having the likes of Coolidge challenge the soundness of my integrity and my ability to be a strong father.



Los Angeles


Re Prop. 22, the definition of marriage and the commentary by Coolidge: I personally ascribe to George Bernard Shaw’s observation that “there is no subject on which more dangerous nonsense is talked and thought than marriage.”


Granada Hills


If, as you say in your Feb. 25 editorial, Prop. 22 “changes nothing,” then why do we see expensive commercials on TV every night opposing it? It’s because homosexual activists want respect for not only themselves as people but for the behavior that sets them apart. The first they deserve, but most Americans are barely tolerant, much less respectful, of gay sex. And it is that behavior that separates same-sex partnerships from traditional marriage.


Los Angeles


Why is it that none of the proponent letters of Prop. 22 call their critics names and refer to them as mean-spirited and bigots? Why are the Yes on 22 signs being stolen in record numbers? Who are the real tolerant ones in this election?



San Juan Capistrano
