
Challenges of Balancing Work and Family Life

Your Feb. 14 article “Following Their Hearts” must have touched a chord with working mothers everywhere, but there are two questions it failed to raise:

1) Why is there no article on working fathers who are at the top of their careers? Do they never worry about the children at home? And if they do not, they should. They are parents too.

2) What about working mothers who hate their jobs (as do many working men), but who have to work to make ends meet? This group not only includes single mothers but married mothers (or fathers) who can’t afford to stay home with their children.


Mothers and fathers love their children and want the best for them. There are many fortunate men and women who have jobs they love and unfortunate ones who have jobs they hate but need. Our society needs to concentrate on helping both men and women do both by providing good child care (for children both well and sick) and a work ethic that understands the needs of families.


Beverly Hills
