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What: “On Every Play, Eleven Men Believed”

Publishers: St. Louis Post-Dispatch and Sports Publishing Inc.

Price: $29.95 (hardcover), $19.95 (softcover)

Haven’t got your fill of the Rams’ improbable season? Then this slick 175-page book about the story of the Rams’ rise from the cellar to Super Bowl champions is highly recommended. With text and an array of color photos provided by the Post-Dispatch, readers are taken, game by game, through the Rams’ championship season.

In the foreword, Bernie Miklasz writes about how Coach Dick Vermeil, after starting quarterback Trent Green suffered a season-ending injury in an exhibition game, said, “We will rally around Kurt Warner.”

Writes Miklasz: “Warner praised the Lord and passed the football. He went to the air and flew the Rams into Atlanta for Super Bowl XXXIV.”


He concludes with: “The 1999 Rams were all about change. And Vermeil showed how. He improved the sagging morale of his players by running a lighter training camp and shorter practices. He gave the players more free time. And of course Vermeil gave them hugs. . . . Everyone loves an underdog, and Warner and the Rams were the feel-good sports story of the year. No wonder Vermeil cried so often.”

Miklasz and Jim Thomas provide most of the writing, and statistics from each game are included, as well as a “key to the game” segment. The book is well edited, although the writing is a little sappy at times. Maybe it’s justified. The best part may be the photography, which is excellent.

The book can be ordered through at the discounted prices of $19.47 for hardcover and $12.97 for softcover. Other books available at the same Web site are “101 Fun Facts About Kurt Warner” and “Marshall Faulk: Rushing to Glory,” both at the discounted price of $3.22.
